Solutions for Your Masonry Damage

Thanks to its durability, fire-resistance, and longevity, masonry has become a staple in the construction industry. It’s a popular material to incorporate in many establishments, from commercial buildings to residential properties, and it’s commonly used...

How To Keep Animals Out of Your Chimney

Chimneys are inviting places for many animals to nest, breed, and reside – namely birds, squirrels, and raccoons. The darkness and warmth of chimneys make them quite appealing and cozy, and it’s ideal for keeping their young protected from predators too....

Your Seasonal Guide to Chimney Odors

With each new season comes some adjustments, and each of these changes has its pros and cons. Winter, for instance, it’s a time for nostalgia and Christmas spirit, but it also brings frigid temps and runny noses. And who doesn’t love the smells of fresh flowers...

Chimney Fires: What They Are & How to Avoid Them

If you own a fireplace, then you’ve probably heard time and time again how important annual inspections are. These give your sweep the chance to spot imperfections and buildup, and they ensure you avoid dangerous scenarios like smoke back-up, gas leaks, and chimney...

Need Some Warmth this Winter? We Sell Wood Stoves!

Looking for some ways to cozy up your space this winter? Once temps drop, it can feel like you’re stuck inside night after night with nothing to do, but the addition of a wood stove could be just the thing you need to amp up your wintertime game. Not only does it add...