Sign Up & Save With Forward Scheduling

When do you normally schedule your chimney inspection? If your answer is in the fall and winter months, you are not alone! For most homeowners, their chimneys are out of use throughout the warmer spring and summer months, so they give little thought to maintenance.

Unfortunately, this causes our schedule books here at The Chimney Guys to fill up very quickly. We love serving as many people as we can throughout the Charlottesville area, but sometimes there just aren’t enough days in the fall and winter months to get this done.

The good news is that there is a solution – forward scheduling.

What Is Forward Scheduling?

Forward scheduling is the process of booking your chimney inspection far in advance, so that we can get your annual needs taken care of before our busy season. This is common in clinics and dentist offices, but people don’t tend to consider it when it comes to their chimney. Which is unfortunate because it makes things easier for everyone involved and ensures your system is ready for use when you’re ready to use it!

Here’s how it works: You’ll call us and let us know the best time during June – July to book your appointment. We’ll get you on the books and, as your appointment approaches, we’ll send you sweep reminders. Easy, convenient, and once it’s done, you don’t have to think about it again – can’t beat that!

Benefits for You

As a customer, one of the biggest benefits you gain from forward scheduling is heightened convenience. Scheduling can get frustrating when all the time frames that work best with your calendar are already taken up and you just want to use your fireplace. The more in advance you claim your spot on the schedule, the more likely you’ll be to get it!

Another benefit of forward scheduling is having your fireplace ready for use at the beginning of fall. This way, when cold weather officially hits, you won’t have to wait weeks or months for an appointment before lighting up a fire. Rather, you’ll be enjoying those cozy, crackling flames right away, while all your neighbors are waiting for an appointment (wishing they’d been more on top of things).

Now, sometimes inspections reveal the need for repairs or a sweeping. This is another big reason to schedule early. Imagine having to wait until late fall for an inspection, only to discover that you need to schedule a whole new appointment for repairs. If scheduling was a challenge at the beginning of the season, imagine how difficult it is later on!

And let’s face it. Wintertime can be stressful enough with holiday planning, baking for family members, and getting all of your festivities in order. Adding fireplace stress to the mix won’t do you any favors. Get chimney care crossed off your list early by taking advantage of our forward scheduling options now.

Still Holding Off? Why Wait?

If you keep pushing chimney care to the back burner, it’s time to stop. Reach out now to ensure you get everything taken care of well before the start of your burning season. We serve Greene County, Orange County, Albemarle County, Nelson County, and Madison County, and we’d be happy to help you out.

Contact us through our site or call us at 434-481-3796. Thanks for choosing The Chimney Guys!


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