Are Chimney Sweeps Lucky?

Cultures around the world contain stories, beliefs, traditions, superstitions, and legends that point to certain things bringing people good luck and good fortune. Rainbows, four-leafed clovers, shooting stars, and heads-up pennies, are all believed to bring with them...

What Causes Chimney Fires?

Enjoying a cozy fire in your fireplace is what makes cool weather and shorter days easier to deal with. When routine maintenance is overlooked, however, lighting a fire can be dangerous for your home and anyone living in it. Chimney fires are a constant threat to the...

Creosote Sweeping Logs: Do They Work?

Creosote presents an ongoing maintenance need for chimney users. What exactly is creosote? It’s a dark, tar-like residue that can build up in your chimney over time. As a byproduct of incomplete combustion, it accumulates more quickly when firewood is damp or green or...